Rainbow in the Field

The red stands for the blood
Of our heroes who fought our wars
For those conquered by the sword
And those who refused to fall.

The orange signifies the falling leaves
When they leave the mother trees
Carried away by the solemn wind
And the mother’s tears fall free.

The yellow is the midday sun
Its rays harsh and beautiful
Helping our crops grow strong
And our children, playful
Revel in the light it brings
Running around half naked
While nature all around sings.

The green is the grass and our crops
Nurtured by our love and hard work
To sit on our plates and tabletop
To be eaten with hands, not forks.

The blue stands for the sky
That covers us like a blanket
Or like the cool stream on a hot day
A beautiful sight for sore eyes.

The others we do not know
But when our children grow
They shall sit on the white one’s table
And then they will be able
To tell all of us, their fathers
The meaning of the different colours
That appear after the gods cry
And wipe their eyes dry.